Tuesday, October 13, 2009

look at the video below its so funny! i need ideas for my posts does anyone have any? well i hope you like this pictures of me and my family!


terry6 said...

Wes, I'm so sorry about someone stealing your bike - that's terrible. And we felt so badly when we found out you'd ridden your bike up to our house and we were at church. So sorry we missed you yesterday. We love you!

April said...

Cute, Cute. Isn't that boy with the blonde ramp-jump hair adorable!?

Brittney said...

Here's some ideas for future posts...what are you going to be for Halloween, what do you like and hate about school, more family pictures and stories are always good.

Cambridge said...

I have an idea for a future post for you. "Why Cambridge is your favorite Aunt" hehe just kidding you have lots of great aunts ;)

What about a Christmas Wish List post?

kcdawn said...

hi Wes

terry6 said...

Who are all those Chinese people posting on your blog?